Exclusive: We Tried the Viral Black Garlic Doritos From Japan, and This Is What Happened

POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum
POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum

Doritos fans across the world just about lost their minds when news broke of Black Garlic Doritos. Everyone's dreams were soon crushed when they learned the Doritos are only available in Japan, but we had to taste them for ourselves. POPSUGAR editors got our hands on a sample, and we now bring you the exclusive US taste test of these spooky chips. Overall, these Doritos went over incredibly well with our reviewers. Understandably, you need to be a fan of really garlicky foods to enjoy even one bite of these chips. A surprising note is that the Doritos have an unexpectedly sweet and fishy taste. The funky umami flavor hits American taste buds hard, but these flavor profiles are often seen in Japanese packaged snacks. Suffice it to say, for us Americans, a handful of these chips was enough to satisfy our snack craving.

Eager to hear more? Take a look at some of our tasters' funniest comments:

  • "Whooooooa."
  • "These taste like the gravy from Boston Market's mashed potatoes."
  • "These are either a one or a five out of five — I'm having trouble deciding. They taste sweet, briny like shrimp(?), and corny like every Japanese chip snack. They definitely pack in the rich black garlic flavor."
  • "These are my new fave flavor!"
  • "Not loving the fishy taste. I love garlic and was surprised not to like these."
  • "Tasty garlic flavor. Not quite as good as Cool Ranch though!"

As far as we know, Black Garlic Doritos won't be sold in US grocery stores any time soon, so you'll have to stick to your favorite flavor. But would you even try them if you could?
