Feeling a Little Sluggish? Here's What You Should Do

If we could afford IV drip therapy on a regular basis, having enough energy would never be an issue. But since that's not a realistic option for most of us, all-natural DIY alternatives will just have to do. Whether you always run into an afternoon slump or can't seem to shake off that sluggish feeling, there are simple and effective ways you can increase your energy level no matter what time of day. Try incorporating these nine tips ahead to get back on top of your game.

Get Fresh Air
Unsplash | Redd Angelo

Get Fresh Air

Do yourself a favor and take at least a 10-minute walk to clear your head and rid that sluggish feeling. Try to avoid returning messages and emails during your break. Once you return to your desk, you'll notice a boost in productivity and energy.

POPSUGAR Photography | Lexi Lambros


Fatigue is often a sign of dehydration. Down a glass of cold water for an instant wakeup and continue to fill up throughout the day to prevent the slump from returning.

Unsplash | Avrielle Suleiman


Whether it's at your desk, in the checkout line, or at home, a quick stretch can loosen up tight muscles and get your blood flowing. Your muscles tend to tense up when you're stressed or tired, so be sure to stretch that sleepiness away.

Unsplash | Anthony Tran


Stress is one of those sneaky energy drainers that you may not realize is taking a toll on you physically. Take time to unplug and unwind to give yourself some much needed rejuvenation — it's essential for your mental and overall health.

Unsplash | Dan Counsell


Our busy schedule makes it easy to forget to refuel throughout the day, so be sure to eat iron-rich foods like dark leafy greens and fill up on essential macronutrients for a solid foundation. Avoid greasy foods (they'll put you into a food coma) and opt for satisfying snacks in between meals such as apples and almond butter and high-protein/fiber bars that are low in sugar.

Breathe Essential Oils
Unsplash | Christin Hume

Breathe Essential Oils

Citrus oils like grapefruit and minty oils like peppermint can be powerful energy boosters. Rub a couple drops into the palm of your hands, cup your nose, and inhale — or apply a small amount above your lip for a longer lasting aromatherapy session.

Listen to Music
Unsplash | bruce mars

Listen to Music

We all have that one song or playlist that never fails to pump us up. Just turn it up and let go. If you're missing the right set of music, curate a mix of high-energy tracks to match the mood you're going for.

Drink Green Tea
Unsplash | Jason Leung

Drink Green Tea

I know it's tempting to refill your cup of joe, but opting for green tea will do you even better. Its antioxidants allow for a steadier and lasting kick as opposed to the dreaded crash from coffee. But keep in mind that caffeine is still caffeine, so be sure to cut yourself off by early afternoon to avoid a restless night.

Work Out

Work Out

Starting your morning off with exercise is an excellent way to stay energized throughout the day. If a.m. or lunchtime workouts aren't possible, try squeezing one in after work to give you a second wind.