Trader Joe's Sells Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Bagels, and It's About Damn Time

Each year, Trader Joe's releases an extensive collection of pumpkin-flavored food items, and this year, we're giving all our attention to its Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Bagels. Yep, they're a thing, and they're fan-freakin'-tastic, you guys. TJ's has been offering its regular ol' Pumpkin Bagels for quite a few years now, and last year, it upped its ante with a gluten-free twist (and a little spice, too). You know when trusted Instagrammer @traderjoesglutenfree shares the news of this mouthwatering bagel, it's the real deal. Run — nay, full-on sprint for dear life — to the nearest Trader Joe's to get your hands on a pack of these bagels, because if they're as popular as they were last year, they'll be selling off the shelves!

Prices and products may vary by Trader Joe's location.

— Additional reporting by Haley Lyndes