Jennifer Garner Won the Oscar For Best Arms — Here's How

If you watched the Oscars, you saw how much of a knockout Jennifer Garner was on the red carpet. And not just because of that stunning gown — homegirl's got some supertoned arms!

So how does this supermom stay fit and active while working and raising children? Jen is a true ray of sunshine, so it makes sense that her workout routine would be just as peppy, happy, and joyful. Her exercise of choice? Body by Simone.

Jen has been working with Simone De La Rue for four years now, and the combination of dance, cardio, and strength training has helped her feel strong and energized — and happy! "If you can find a workout that makes you smile, DO IT!!!" she said in her caption, gushing about how much she loves the BBS workout.

In addition to breaking a sweat, Jen eats clean and healthy — she works with ultrapopular holistic nutritionist and health coach Kelly LeVeque, author of Body Love, who designed a superfood collagen smoothie for Jen while she was on the set of Peppermint. Jen liked it so much, she's had it every morning since (according to her Instagram caption).

Sweating and smoothies have helped her stay svelte and sculpted, but when she's not blending up a frosty breakfast, she's recovering with some frosty cryotherapy.

It also appears that Jen's really embracing that farm-to-table lifestyle with her own garden . . . but things don't always go as planned . . .