We're Blessed, Moved, and Grateful For 2 New Videos of Jason Momoa Rock Climbing

If you ask any bouldering enthusiast what their must-have supplies are, they'll answer the same thing: a chalk bag, good climbing shoes, a solid crash pad, and a studded belt. Actually, scratch that last one — that's just a favorite accessory of rock climbing A-lister Jason Momoa, who regularly blesses the internet with videos of his unusual workout attire.

And his latest posts are no different, because they feature the Aquaman actor completing a difficult climbing run, all while shirtless and wearing a studded belt over his red jeans. You know, as one does.

We're certainly not complaining. Per usual, we're blown away by the strength and skill exhibited by the 230+-pound actor, who doesn't fit the typical mold for an accomplished climber. Because lighter, leaner body types are usually better suited for bouldering pursuits, it's especially impressive when 6'4" Momoa is able to make his climbing runs look easy. Plus, he isn't exactly hard on the eyes while he does it, so consider us his climbing cheerleaders for life!