Try This Coconut Oil Detoxifying Green Smoothie For Glowing Skin

POPSUGAR Photography | Alle Weil
POPSUGAR Photography | Alle Weil

Spring is almost here. Along with the warmer weather and greener landscape comes a shift in our diets, where we begin to crave lighter and brighter foods. We replace our warming soups and stews with cooling and detoxifying juices, smoothies, and salads. While whole and natural raw produce is one of best sources of unadulterated nutrients, there is still one important nutrient that is lacking in most green smoothies. Without it, it's much harder for the body to absorb and utilize the potent nutrition inherent in most of our juice and smoothie ingredients. It's also essential for glowing skin.

The missing ingredient? Fats! Essential vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, for example, are fat-soluble, meaning fats are necessary during digestion for the body to absorb them properly. An easy and delicious way to make sure you are getting the most out of your green smoothies is by adding a little extra boost of your favorite fats. This detoxifying blend incorporates all my favorites for a thick and creamy smoothie with benefits.

Avocado supplies mono- and polyunsaturated fats, along with vitamins Bs, C, E, and K, additional minerals, and fiber, while coconut oil provides fat-fighting, medium-chain fatty acids, which are easily digested and boost metabolism. In addition, coconut oil provides lauric acid for immunity and acts as an antimicrobial. Of course, it's also wonderful for the skin.

The addition of leafy greens supplies a wide range of nutrients from vitamins A, Bs, C, and K, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The addition of spirulina adds additional detoxifying and heavy-metal cleansing properties, a wide range of nutrients, and an extra boost of bio-available protein (containing 60 to 70 percent protein by weight).

Re-create this thick and creamy green smoothie to support detoxification and aid in better assimilation of nutrients.

For an additional twist, serve with sliced fruit, chopped nuts, seeds, or dried fruit for a smoothie bowl anytime.

Coconut Oil Detoxifying Green Smoothie

Cook Time5 minutes
Yield1-2 servings

From Alle Weil, POPSUGAR Fitness


    • 2 cups coconut milk or nut milk of choice
    • 1 cup chopped organic spinach
    • 1 cup chopped organic romaine lettuce or other salad greens
    • 1/2-1 avocado, chopped
    • 1 tablespoon raw, virgin, and unrefined coconut oil
    • 1 teaspoon spirulina powder
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon or lime juice
    • 2-3 raw dates, pitted
    • additional raw honey to taste (optional)
    • pinch of sea salt


    1. Blend all ingredients and serve immediately.