No One Models Kate Moss For Equipment Quite Like . . . Kate Moss

Kate Moss celebrated her new collection for Equipment at London's Chiltern Firehouse on Wednesday night, and the party had all the elements of a proper Moss shindig: trendy venue, her good friends including Meg Mathews and Charlotte Tilbury, boyfriend Nikolai von Bismarck, and — perhaps most importantly — fashion, and lots of it.

Kate rolled up to the Chiltern Firehouse showing off the products of her efforts. In her inimitable fashion, Kate's outfit was simultaneously elegant and understated. She paired what looked like the Wynne Tuxedo Blazer ($598) with the Houston Pant ($368). The fire-engine-red silk shirt (a recent favorite color, apparently) was not from Kate's line but looked as though it could have been. Her final touch was a pair of black heeled sandals.

But when the party really got started, Kate kicked things up a notch, style-wise — the silk shirt was unbuttoned, and Kate added a rock-and-roll touch in the form of a skinny black patterned scarf. The piece was, of course, a Kate original, her Bria printed silk crepe de chine scarf ($80). It was all so very, very Kate.