Smoking For 30 Years Looks Like This and It Might Just Blow You Away

Everyone knows that smoking affects your health in some not-so-positive ways, but YourTango shows us just how much smoking can affect your outward appearance in a matter of time. And it is scary.


Holy sh*t.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how many statistics or health warnings you read — you just can't give up a bad habit. You know it's not good for you, but you still continue to smoke.

Surprisingly, there are times when the most superficial warnings are the ones that resonate the most. You pay no attention to information about smoking leading to lung, throat, mouth, or esophageal cancer, but when you're shown what smoking can do to the way you look — that's difficult to ignore.

BuzzFeed had makeup artists come in and give three smokers a "smoke-over," showing them what they might look like after 30 years of smoking.

Here's what happened when the smokers got a glimpse of their future selves:

click to play video

Smoking messes you up pretty badly. In case you still want to smoke, here are 10 ways smoking makes you look like hot-ash, not hot.

  1. Bags under the eyes.
  2. Psoriasis. It's an autoimmune-related skin condition you can get, even if you don't smoke. But if you do smoke, your risk goes up.
  3. Bad teeth. Nicotine can stain your teeth, and smoking can lead to oral cancer and gum disease, causing you to lose your teeth.
  4. Premature aging and wrinkles. Upper lip lines are known as smoker's lines.
  5. Yellow fingers. The tar in cigarette smoke collects on your fingers and stains them.
  6. Damaged hair. Smokers have thinner hair that goes gray quickly. And male smokers are twice as likely to lose their hair.
  7. Scars. You can develop bigger and redder scars, and your skin doesn't heal quickly.
  8. No natural glow. Say goodbye to your youthful skin.
  9. Stretch marks. Nicotine damages the fibers and connective tissue in your skin, causing it to lose elasticity and strength.
  10. Cataracts. Smoking increases the risk of cataracts by putting oxidative stress on the lens of the eye.

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