Open Your Heart and Say Ahhh With These 13 Poses

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Why not celebrate Valentine's Day with a little bit of yogic love? Physically stretching the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and belly can create a deep emotional release, helping you to appreciate and honor yourself and your loved ones. These poses also bring a feeling of lightness and contentment, so try these 13 heart-opening stretches to make you feel positively blissful.

Twisting Bound Goddess
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Twisting Bound Goddess

Turn regular Goddess pose into a delicious chest-opener by resting one elbow on your thigh, and wrapping the other arm around the opposite inner thigh.

Open Revolved Side Angle
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Open Revolved Side Angle

Double your pleasure with this revolved pose that opens the chest and hips simultaneously.

Extended Tabletop
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Extended Tabletop

Just looking at this graceful backbend variation makes your heart feel more open.

Twisting Extended Side Angle
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Twisting Extended Side Angle

This variation of Extended Side Angle involves twisting the torso, so it opens the chest and shoulders and strengthens your core.

Arching Warrior
Louisa Larson Photography

Arching Warrior

Turn the basic Warrior 1 pose into a heart-opener by leaning back into Arching Warrior. Either rest the hands on the hips, or if your spine is more flexible, rest your hands on the back hamstring.

Wide Tip-Over Tuck
Louisa Larson Photography

Wide Tip-Over Tuck

While this is mostly a move you'll feel in your chest and shoulders, you'll also feel this stretch in your hamstrings and lower back.

Seated Heart-Opener
Louisa Larson Photography

Seated Heart-Opener

This simple and relaxing backbend will open your chest, neck, shoulders, and abs. It will also increase flexibility in your spine and makes you feel centered and full of energy. Clasp the fingers together in a double fist, or for an even deeper stretch, rest the hands on the floor behind you.

One-Armed Camel Pose
Louisa Larson Photography

One-Armed Camel Pose

This Camel variation will open the quads, abs, and shoulders.

Half King Pigeon
Louisa Larson Photography

Half King Pigeon

Half King Pigeon not only opens the front of the body, but you'll also stretch the hip flexors while increasing flexibility in the spine.

Intense East
Louisa Larson Photography

Intense East

If you've done the Pilates move called Reverse Plank, then this yoga pose called Intense East will be familiar. Allow your head to fall back between the shoulders to open the chest and neck even further.

Louisa Larson Photography


Bow Pose is an effective and relaxing chest- and shoulder-opening stretch.

Louisa Larson Photography


Wheel Pose, also known as Full Backbend, not only increases flexibility in your spine, but also opens up your shoulders and strengthens your upper back and thighs.