Apr 8 2009 - 2:02pm

Crispy Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Inspired by Eat Real [1]

Recipe For Crispy Roasted Brussels Sprouts


  1. 1 pound Brussels sprouts, washed and dried
    Approximately 2 tablespoons olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Trim the firm ends off of the Brussels sprouts so that the leaves begin to peel away. Discard the ends.
  3. Peel away any leaves that naturally separate from the hearts; this will be anywhere from one-half to three-quarters of the leaves.
  4. Place the leaves only in a large bowl, and toss with 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil plus salt and pepper to taste, until all leaves are lightly coated.
  5. Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray, and arrange the leaves on one half of the sheet.
  6. Now, take the hearts of the Brussels sprouts, place them in the bowl, and toss with remaining olive oil, plus salt and pepper. Spread those on the other half of the baking sheet.
  7. Place the baking sheet in the oven. After about 10 minutes, check the leaves. Remove any that have crisped and browned and place them in the bowl. After another 5 minutes or so, remove remaining leaves to bowl, but allow the hearts to roast for about 15 to 20 more minutes, until lightly browned and tender.
  8. When hearts are done cooking, add them to the bowl, toss them with the crispy leaves, and serve.

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