Loosen Up Tight Quads With a Yoga Sequence

Jun 4 2014 - 1:16am

Everyone holds stress and tension in different parts of their body, but the quadriceps can be a tricky situation for active people. While everyone will appreciate this sequence, runners and cycling enthusiasts will definitely feel the heat and benefit from spending time in these yoga postures. Get ready to loosen up, and show your quads the love they deserve with this sequence.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [1]

Hero Pose

Hero Pose is a contemplative posture that provides a wonderful stretch. If your quads are really tight, don't be concerned about taking the full expression of the pose lying down on your back. Keep your tush on your heels with your core engaged, and breathe deep.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog lays a strong, active foundation for the rest of your practice.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [3]

Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 Pose starts bringing heat to your whole body. Keep your core and legs engaged and your hips facing the front of your mat. Equally sharing the weight of your body between your front and back legs will make this pose feel much more comfortable.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [7]

Warrior 2 Pose

Don't bail from Warrior 2! Stick with it to strengthen and stretch out tight quads.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Reverse Warrior Pose

Take the edge off your back and stretch your side body with Reverse Warrior.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [10]

Fierce Pose

Fierce Pose is one people either love or loathe, but this pose works your whole body — especially your core and legs. Pretend you're sitting back in a chair while keeping your chest open toward the front of your mat.

Photo: Jenny Sugar

Double Pigeon Pose

Double Pigeon will definitely bring the heat to your legs and hips. No wonder it's also known as Fire Log Pose.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Bow Pose

Don't lead this pose with your neck! To get the most out of this posture, focus on kicking back your legs and lifting your chest simultaneously.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Downward Facing Dog

After so many active poses, repeating Downward Facing Dog will feel like a nice rest. Breathe deep, and take stock of where your body is feeling more freedom and where tightness remains.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [22]

Kneeling Quad Stretch

Now that you've built plenty of internal heat and warmed up your legs, your quads are ready for the deepest stretch of the sequence!

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [23]

Wide Child's Pose

Relax, breathe deep, and come back to a calm and centered mind in Child's Pose. Stay here for as long as you want before you move on with the rest of your day.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

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