The Ultimate Tush-Toning Yoga Sequence

Nov 5 2017 - 3:55am

We all know that yoga can increase your flexibility, but it turns out that many poses work your butt, too. If your backside could use a little tightening, try this yoga sequence. Work through the entire series on your right side first, and then repeat on the left side.

Three-Legged Dog

After doing a few Sun Salutations [2] to warm up, come into Downward Facing Dog [3] pose. Lift your right leg into the air, coming into Three-Legged Dog [4]. Hold here for five breaths, keeping your shoulders parallel with the floor.

Warrior 1

Step your right foot between your hands and lift your torso up, coming into Warrior 1 [5]. Try to lower your hips so your front thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold this pose for five breaths.

Warrior 2

Open your hips, arms, and chest into Warrior 2 [6]. Draw your abs in, and lengthen your spine. Keep the shoulders relaxed, and hold for five deep breaths.

Reverse Warrior

Lower your left arm to your left leg and arch back, coming into Crescent Moon [7], also known as Reverse Warrior. Continue to lower your pelvis, keeping your right knee over your ankle. Hold the pose for five full breaths.

Bound Extended Side Angle

Lift your torso and lower your right hand to the floor next to the inside arch of your right foot. Extend your left arm overhead, coming into Extended Side Angle [8]. Or for more of a challenge, bind underneath your right thigh in Bound Extended Side Angle [9]. Your right hand will clasp your left wrist. Stay in either variation for five breaths.


Lift your torso and turn both feet out, so your heels are pointing in. Bend your knees and elbows at 90-degree angles, holding Goddess [10] pose for five deep breaths.

Locust A

Release your hands to the front of your mat, and come to lie down on your belly. Bring your arms next to the sides of your body, palms facing up. Inhale to lift your legs and torso off the floor, coming into Locust A [11] pose. Lengthen your spine as much as you can, and hold for five breaths.

Intense East

Roll over onto your back. Place your palms on the floor six to eight inches behind you with your fingertips facing your body. Bring your legs together. On an inhale, press into your hands and feet and lower your head behind you, coming into Intense East [12]. After five breaths, take a vinyasa [13] or go right into Downward Facing Dog [14]. Repeat the entire sequence on the left side.

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