Find Focus and Relaxation in This Strong Yoga Sequence

May 13 2014 - 5:16pm

A solid yoga practice not only helps you chill out, but also helps the mind to focus. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unable to concentrate, this yoga sequence will clear a busy head and offer some relaxing relief. Move through this sequence, and move on with the rest of your day.

Mountain Pose

Set a strong intention for your practice at the top of your mat.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Standing Forward Bend

Allow all the stress to melt and pour off your back in Standing Forward Bend.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward Facing Dog is an active pose that always helps to calm a busy mind. Focus on deep, full-body breaths and releasing any tension in your legs or back.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [2]

Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 Pose sets a strong foundation for the rest of your practice.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [4]

Warrior 3 Pose

Warrior 3 Pose brings the heat to your core and challenges your balance. Instead of concentrating so hard in this pose, try to find a comfortable, centered space. Keep your breath strong!

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose requires a quiet mind and a strong core.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [8]

Pigeon Pose

Once you lie down in Pigeon Pose, relax, keep your breath strong, and do your best to find that sweet spot that opens up your hip flexors.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [13]

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose brings the intention inward and helps stretch out tight backs and hips.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [14]


Take a long Savasana to relax and get ready for the rest of your day.

Having trouble relaxing? Here are four tips for sinking into Corpse Pose [16].

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [17]

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