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Nuts are one of the best foods you can nosh on because they're full of healthy fats, contain protein and fiber to fill you up, are cholesterol-free, and they're a great snack you can easily pack with you wherever you go. A serving size of nuts is one ounce, which is about a handful. Considering my handful and my hubby's handful look a lot different, I thought it'd be good to go over what exactly one ounce of nuts looks like. Take this quiz to see if you know.

Question 1/5

How many almonds are in one ounce?

Question 2/5

An ounce of cashews contains how many nuts?

Question 3/5

How many walnut halves are considered one ounce?

Question 4/5

An ounce of peanuts contains how many whole nuts?

Question 5/5

How many pistachios are found in an ounce?