1 Move to Prep Your Entire Body For Working Out

Jun 23 2018 - 4:25am

A proper warmup before any strength-training workout will not only help you perform better during your sweat session, but it also might help ease the delayed pain, known as DOMS, that can follow a tough workout. After three to five minutes of light cardio, do a handful of walkouts to prep your entire body for the upcoming challenges you will be facing, from holding multiple planks to heaving kettlebells. We've added a lunge to this classic move to make the exercise even more effective.

Reach Up

Stand at the back of your mat, and circle your arms out to the sides to reach toward the ceiling. Look up, and feel your chest opening up.

Forward Bend

Keeping your back straight, bend forward, hinging at your hips to bring your hands to the mat. This position brings length to the back of the legs. If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees a bit to take tension off the muscles.

Crawl Out

Walk your hands forward moving into a plank, and hold each step to stretch your calves a bit. This warms up the shoulders and hands nicely.


Hold the plank for a few seconds to really wake up your core.

Deep Lunge

Bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand, coming into a deep lunge opening up the front of your right hip. Return to the plank position, then switch sides.

Roll Up

From your plank, walk your hands back to your feet until you are in another forward bend. Slowly roll up to standing, letting your head hang and keeping your neck relaxed. Once you are fully upright, you're ready to repeat the walkout for a total of three to five reps.

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