The Shed-the-Sweater Workout

Mar 10 2014 - 3:11am

The sun is slowly creeping back in! Prepare for lighter layers with this total-body conditioning workout from Shape [1]!

It may not be bikini season just yet, but as the weather warms up, it's going to be time to start peeling off those winter layers! Don't wait till the last minute to start shaping up — get ready to shed your sweater with this targeted workout designed to help you hit all those special spots like that muffin top, those love handles, and the unsightly arm flab that may have been hiding under that sweater. (Thanks, winter weight gain!)

How it works: Do each exercise for the recommended number of reps with little no rest in between each move, repeating the full circuit up to 3 times in total depending on the amount of time and energy you have. Try this routine 3 to 4 non-consecutive days per week, alternating it with your favorite cardio activity. And of course, you'll want to pair this workout with a healthy diet for best body-shaping results.

You will need: A set of dumbbells (3 to 15 pounds, depending on level) and a mat

Source: Thinkstock [2]

1a. Plank Walkout [3]

Reps: 5

Sets: 3

A: Start kneeling with hands under shoulders, knees under hips, spine neutral. Brace abs in tight to spine and lift knees just a few inches off the mat (keep hips in line with shoulders).

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [4]

1b. Plank Walkout

B: "Walk" hands forward and extend legs, ending in a full plank position. Slowly reverse movement and return to a hovering kneeling position.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [5]

2a. Opposite Arm-Raise Sweep [6]

Reps: 10

Sets: 3

A: Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent, and hold a pair of dumbbells. Hinge torso forward about 45 degrees from hips, keeping spine naturally straight, extending arms down to floor in line with chest.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [7]

2b. Opposite Arm-Raise Sweep

B: Without moving torso, sweep right arm up by ear and left arm back behind body (arms should create a diagonal line) with palms facing in. Lower arms and repeat on opposite side. That's one rep.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [8]

3a. Stepping Curl [9]

Reps: 15

Sets: 3

A: Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells. Brace abs in tight and perform a biceps curl with left arm, keeping elbow by side and palm facing in.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [10]

3b. Stepping Curl

B: As left arm lowers, step left foot forward and curl right arm. Step left foot back to start position as right arm lowers and left arm curls again. Count each step as 1 rep.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [11]

4a. Rotating Kickback [12]

Reps: 15

Sets: 3

A: Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent, holding dumbbells. Hinge torso forward about 45 degrees from hips keeping spine naturally straight, bending elbows behind body with weights by sides.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [13]

4b. Rotating Kickback

B: Perform a triceps kickback, rotating palms up as arms extend behind body. Bend arms to start position.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [14]

5a. Side Crunch Plié [15]

Reps: 15

Sets: 3

A: Stand with feet wider than hips (about 3 to 4 feet apart) with fingertips behind head, elbows bent out to the sides.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [16]

5b. Side Crunch Plié

B: Brace abs in tight to spine and lower into a plié, bending knees out over toes, bending at the waist to lower left elbow to left thigh. Return to start.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [17]

6a. Plank Rotation [18]

Reps: 10

Sets: 3

A: Begin in an elbow plank position with abs engaged, elbows and opposite fists pressed together, feet hip-width apart.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [19]

6b. Plank Rotation

B: Rotate torso left, pivoting on balls of feet, as left arm extends to ceiling over shoulder. Return to starting position. Continue, alternating sides each rep.

Source: Vanessa Rogers Photography [20]

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