11 Bed Stretches That Will Get You Ready For the Day Before Your Feet Hit the Floor

Mar 24 2023 - 3:30pm

Stretching has a way of melting away stress and worry, but there's no need to unroll your yoga mat [1] to get the benefits. Bed stretches are the perfect balance between active and restorative so your body can feel ready to start the day or end it.

Stretching in bed is great because you benefit from the soft surface and extra pillows, which you can use as props. But that's not all: this simple form of bed yoga can also be helpful for those struggling with symptoms of depression or burnout [2]. Yoga can help you manage your response to stress and work alongside therapy to become a useful coping skill, according to researchers [3].

Sometimes it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning, either because you're still tired or you're dreading the day. But even spending five to 10 minutes stretching can make a huge difference to your energy levels. Conversely, if you're having trouble winding down to sleep [4], slowly moving through a few bed stretches can help calm your mind and body.

Do the entire sequence if you have time, or just pick a few much-needed bed stretches from the list, such as Happy Baby or Lying Spinal Twist. Either way, you'll feel more relaxed, whether you're heading to the land of Nod or waking with the sun. Keep reading for 11 bed stretches you should try before you go to sleep or once your alarm goes off — or both!

Bed Stretches: Knee to Chest

How to do Knee to Chest stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Lying Spinal Twist

How to do Lying Spinal Twist stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Half Happy Baby

How to do Half Happy Baby stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Happy Baby

How to do Happy Baby stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Reclining Hamstring Stretch

How to do Reclining Hamstring stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Lying Side Quad Stretch

How to do Lying Side Quad stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Fish

How to do Fish stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Butterfly

How to do Butterfly stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Cobra

How to do Cobra stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Seated Neck Release

How to do Seated Neck Release stretch in bed:

Bed Stretches: Seated Shoulder Stretch

How to do Seated Shoulder stretch in bed:

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