A Quickie 4-Minute Yoga Ab Workout

Bored with crunches? Getting your yoga on can give you stronger, more defined abs, and these six poses are all you need! Flow through them one after the other and you're sure to feel your belly burning. Source: Louisa Larson Photography



  • Begin in Downward Facing Dog pose. Step both feet together so your big toes are touching.
  • Now move your left hand over to the right so it's at the center of your mat (still at the top of your mat).
  • Roll over to your left side and plant your left heel down so you are balancing on the outside edge of your left foot. Stack your right foot on top of your right foot with both feet flexed. If this is too hard, bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on the ground in front of your left leg for support.
  • Reach your right arm up above you and if you can, gaze up at your palm. Engage your left fingertips so you can take some pressure out of your wrists. Stay here for 30 seconds (five deep breaths), trying to keep your core strong and the pose steady.
  • Release your right hand back to the mat, coming into a plank position (top of a push-up). Then repeat this pose on the right side for another 30 seconds.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography

Knee Up Plank

Knee Up Plank

  • Come back to a plank position. Draw your right knee into your chest, holding for five deep breaths.
  • Step the right foot back and switch sides, bringing the left knee into the chest for another 30 seconds.
  • Source: Louisa Larson Photography



  • Stand on your shins with your knees hips-width distance apart.
  • Lean back, and place your hands on your heels, arching back and allowing the head to fall between the shoulder blades.
  • Continue to press the hips forward to engage the abs, thighs, and tush, enjoying this pose for half a minute.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography



  • Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you. Bend your knees, and lift your legs off the floor, bringing your knees in toward your chest with your shins parallel to the floor.
  • Sit up as tall as you can, and take a breath in as you slowly begin to straighten your legs. Your legs don't need to be straight since the action of keeping your spine long and drawing your belly in is what works your abs here.
  • Hold Boat pose for 30 seconds.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography

Wide Boat

Wide Boat

  • Stay balanced in Boat pose, and separate the legs so they're wide, bringing the hands together in the middle of your legs.
  • Breathe deeply for five breaths.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography



  • Come into a squat, placing your hands shoulder-width distance apart on the mat. Spread your fingers as wide as you can, creating a strong, stable base.
  • Straighten your legs slightly, placing your knees as high up onto your triceps (back of your arms) as possible. Slowly shift weight into your palms and lift your feet off the ground.
  • Stay here for half a minute gazing at the floor in front of you.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography