Try This 34-Minute Tabata Workout at Home — It's Printable and Entirely Bodyweight

May 21 2020 - 7:40am

The Tabata protocol [1] is one of our favorite ways to work intervals into our workouts. This high-intensity training is fun, blasts calories, and moves so quickly that it's hard to get bored. For Tabata, you perform an exercise at maximal intensity for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this on-off pattern a total of eight times, making one complete Tabata round four minutes [2].

This time-saving Tabata session ahead works your entire body in under 40 minutes with six rounds of Tabata, punctuated with three short body-part specific exercise series spaced throughout. (The whole workout, including two one-minute rest periods takes approximately 33 minutes and 30 seconds.) And with no equipment needed, you have no excuse not to give it a try!

Download the printable PDF here [4]. Make sure you warm up first [5], and if you need a refresher on the exercises, keep reading for more details on the moves.

Tabata One: Jumping Jack

Tabata Two: Alternating Backward Lunge

Core Series

Hold each plank for 30 seconds:

Tabata Three: Burpee

Tabata Four: Side Skater

Arm Series

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds:

Tabata 5: Bicycle Crunch

Tabata Six: Toe-Touch Crunch

Back Series

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds:

Cool down with some stretching, starting with a Child's Pose [18] to stretch your back. Here are some cooldown videos you can follow [19].

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