Find Heartburn Relief With These 5 Foods

POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Barnes
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Barnes

If you suffer from heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it's often caused by the foods you eat. As much as food can make heartburn worse, it can also help. Eating these foods may just help quiet down painful stomach acid that's trying to head back up through your esophagus.

  1. Oatmeal with bananas: Opt for this high-fiber food instead of sugary doughnuts for breakfast since high-fat foods are often the cause of heartburn. Bananas naturally fight stomach acid, so the combination is perfect.
  2. Fresh ginger: This natural anti-inflammatory is an ancient remedy for digestive issues. Drink ginger tea, make your own ginger ale, suck on ginger candy, or grate some fresh ginger into your stir-fries.
  3. Whole wheat pasta with olive-oil or white sauces: Tomato sauce is acidic and a surefire way to serve you up some heartburn. So go for a light Alfredo sauce or olive-oil sauce instead. Choose whole wheat pasta over white pasta since high-fiber foods can help alleviate symptoms.
  4. Beans: They're not only good for the heart, but they make for an alternative source of protein to heartburn-causing meat.
  5. Applesauce: Baking with oil or butter may trigger heartburn symptoms, so replace it with applesauce in any of your recipes.