The Gym Tip to Steal From Instagram It Girl Jen Selter

It's clear from Jen Selter's Instagram feed and her recent Vanity Fair spread that she is not shy about her bodacious bod. But even if you're not into selfies or healthies at the gym, the Instagram sensation still has some healthy advice we can learn from. Despite her obvious passion for fitness, you might be surprised to learn that Jen is not a trainer and hasn't had a single session with one either. Instead, she took a different approach to her gym routine: "I would follow the trainers and when they were training someone I was like, 'oh, what does that do?'"

Even if you don't have the budget to sign up for sessions, trainers can still be an amazing resource at your gym. We don't recommend that you follow a trainer around during a private session with a client, but when it looks like they have a moment to spare, there is no harm in asking how to use a new piece of equipment or proper form on a challenging exercise. The vast majority of the time, trainers will be happy to offer some quick assistance to keep you safe and motivated. Even if you're on the shyer side, push yourself to ask! Source: Instagram user jenselter; Front Page Image Source: Instagram user jenselter