7 Moves Toward Tight, Toned Thighs!

May 14 2018 - 6:20pm

Leggings, skinny jeans, and minis are all fashion staples, so toned thighs will help you rock your wardrobe. Firming up the upper thighs with some sculpting exercises will certainly help, especially if you stick to a healthy eating plan and keep up a vigorous cardio routine. Here are a few of our favorite moves for toning those gams.

Cross Jacks

For a great warmup move that works both the outer and inner thighs try this variation on the basic jumping jack.


Steps-ups work your legs and glutes while making your heart pump! When completing step-ups, be sure to have weight in your heel to work your thigh rather than your calf muscle. Here's how:

*If a chair feels too high, use a shorter stool or a bottom stair.

Sumo Squat With Arm Raises

Celeb trainers David Kirsch [2], Jackie Warner, and Teddy Bass all recommend the sumo squat for creating shapely legs. For maximum burn, focus on the inner thighs when straightening the legs, not the quads.

Pilates Inverted Plié

This simple move really targets the inner thighs. Plus you can do it while watching TV.

Cursty Lunge

This lunge variation tones the lower glutes as well as the inner thighs. Hold a heavy dumbbell, medicine ball, or kettlebell at your chest to increase the difficulty of the move.

Side-Lying Leg Lift

This simple move targets the outer thighs. But pay attention to detail on this move, you want to move your hip joint not your back.

Elbow Plank With Leg Lift

Adding a leg lift to your side plank tones the outer thigh while challenging your core. The trick to keep the pelvis high as you lift your top leg is to reach the inner-thigh of your bottom leg toward the ceiling.

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