The Key to Burning Extra Calories at Home

Mar 27 2014 - 11:20am

Every calorie counts in your journey of losing weight and getting fit, and since there are many reasons your house can make you fat [1], here's one way to prevent packing on the pounds at home.

Photo: Jenny Sugar

Purchase some fitness gear you can keep at your house — a couple sets of dumbbells, a resistance band, an exercise ball, and a yoga mat. These items must stay at home, so if you like to go to yoga classes or bring a resistance band to the gym, have a second set that never walks out the door. Once you have your gear, put it all over your house and leave it there, out in the open, so when you walk by, you're guilted into inspired to use them. Here are some ideas.

Remember — do not put your gear away! The key here is that seeing it reminds you to use it. Once you do a few quick workouts here and there, it'll become a habit so the next time you reach for that remote, you'll reach for a dumbbell as well.

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