Transform Your Warrior 2 Pose With 1 Tip

Aug 24 2014 - 6:47am

While I love Warrior 2 Pose, I used to find myself feeling tight in my front quad with a rushed breath, desperately wishing it was over. However, I received one little instruction from yoga teacher Kate Mak [1] at the Wanderlust Festival [2] in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, that has taken the edge off and helped me stay in the pose (comfortably) for much longer: tip your torso back over your hips.

Often in class, Kate sees her yoga students tilted toward the front of their leg, making the front quadricep work way harder than it needs to! Here's how to make this powerful shift in your practice:

When your body is balanced and aligned in Warrior 2, the muscles will stop holding on so hard. You should find that any tension, pain, or tightness in your front leg dissipates. Try it out in your next class!

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [6]

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