Tone Those Inner Thighs With This Lazy-Girl-Approved Move

May 24 2015 - 1:30pm

If you're looking to tighten and strengthen your inner-thigh muscles, this exercise series will tone your legs and help you feel more confident, whether you're in tight jeans, a bathing suit, or . . . well, you get the picture.

Don't let the "lazy" lying position of this move fool you; this inner-thigh series is challenging and will make those muscles shake! Here's how to to do it.

Inner-Thigh Series

Starting position: Lying on your side, lengthen your bottom leg, and cross your top leg over, resting either your top knee (as pictured above) or the top of your foot on the floor. Prop your head up with your hand, or rest your head on your arm. Work in side-lying neutral [1] to keep your torso steady, and concentrate the work in your inner thigh rather than allowing your back to create the motion. To find neutral, reach your top hip down so your pelvis is level. Your waist should pull away from the floor a bit. Maintain this position as you do the movements below.

Once you finish the series, be sure to switch sides so both legs get to enjoy this workout! Work your way up to repeating all four variations two or three times on both sides.

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