Work Your Entire Body With This Killer CrossFit Move

Jul 16 2014 - 12:10am

Ready to work your entire body? Our friends at Self [1] show us a move that CrossFitters love.

The search for the fittest humans is kicking off at the end of this month in Carson, CA — yep, it's that time of year: the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games [2]. Athletes from around the world will compete in the now 4-day event (it was 3 days as of Tuesday, July 8). And for anyone familiar with the CrossFit Games, you know events can run the gamut from handstand walks and muscle-ups to a mile swim and a half-marathon row. 

Games officials usually throw a curve ball releasing an additional workout or two. The first announced event, a 1-rep max overhead squat, and an ocean "surprise" will take place Wednesday, July 23 . . . two days before the official start of the Games.

We caught up with Amanda Douglas, part of a team of six (three women, three men) otherwise known as BRICK Nation [3]. The former dancer and now CrossFit coach says her team has been training for the Games for two years. And BRICK Nation is ready to leave it all out there on the mats of the StubHub Center!

Douglas started CrossFit five years ago with a friend, before she really knew anything about the sport's existence. "We did it for fun with any equipment we could get our hands on," says the 24-year-old. "I was awful. I had strength but my form was all over the place."

Today, Douglas' form and strength are no joke. And neither is her team's. They've been working together — learning from each other and getting stronger at the same time. A favorite move of Douglas: the burpee box jump.

"It's an integral part of my CrossFit routine," she says. "It combines my favorite and least favorite CrossFit moves! I love box jumps and loathe burpees." (As a fellow CrossFitter, I couldn't agree more on the burpee front!).

According to Douglas, this explosive move will raise your heart rate while forcing you to maintain power output. You gotta be able to catch air to make that jump! Get ready because this burpee + box jump combo will leave you with better toned arms, core, and legs.

The Move: Burpee Box Jumps


Start in a push-up position with your chest to the ground. Push up using your arms and core, while jumping your feet in towards the spot where your hands were (above).


Then swing your arms back and jump on the box. Stand up tall on the box, fully extending (above). Jump down (or step down) and back into a plank position. Repeat!

More From Self.com:

Sources: CrossFit, Amanda Douglas, and Facebook user MuMu Mango [6]

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