Lose Weight Now! 10 Quick Calorie-Cutting Tips

Aug 20 2016 - 12:00pm

Want to lose a pound this week? You need to burn or cut out 3,500 calories. The best way to approach it without feeling deprived is to cut out a few calories here and there throughout your day, making lower-calorie food swaps so your taste buds don't miss a thing. Here are 10 simple ways to reduce your daily calorie intake so you can start dropping pounds right now.

In Your Bowl

Choose plain yogurt (53 [2]) over vanilla (110 [3]).

Calories saved: 57

For Pancakes

Top pancakes with maple yogurt (38 [4]) instead of maple syrup (104 [5]).

Calories saved: 66

For a Morning Thirst Quencher

Eat an orange (62 [6]) instead of drinking OJ (112 [7]).

Calories saved: 50

On Your Sandwich

Smear hummus (23 [8]) on your sandwich instead of mayo (90 [9]).

Calories saved: 67

For Lunch

Make your sandwich on a whole-wheat english muffin (130 [10]) instead of using two slices of whole-wheat bread (220).

Calories saved: 90

In Your Glass

Sip on a glass of water with a slice of lime (0) instead of a can of Coke (143 [12]).

Calories saved: 143

Send the Bread Basket Back

Skip the dinner roll (76 [13]) with a pat of butter (36 [14]) before dinner.

Calories saved: 112

Spoon This

Choose a bowl of split-pea soup (220 [15]) over broccoli cheddar (360 [16]).

Calories saved: 140

Sip on This

Enjoy a glass of wine (120 [17]) instead of a vodka tonic (175 [18]).

Calories saved: 55

For Dessert

Enjoy this homemade vegan chocolate ice cream made with frozen bananas (167 [19]) and pass on Ben & Jerry's chocolate ice cream (250 [20]).

Calories saved: 83

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