Every Woman Should Watch This Video Before Starting a Workout

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"This girl can" sweat like a pig during Zumba. "This girl can" feel sexy with a bright red post-workout face. "This girl can" love her body, no matter what anybody tells her. This Girl Can, a UK-based campaign designed to help women overcome judgment that can prevent them from exercising, celebrates everything we love about fitness. The organization's video, which encourages ladies to forget the haters and enjoy whichever physical activities make them feel best, will make you want to get up and active right now. Doing everything from rowing to swimming laps, the real women featured in the motivational advertisement are perfect examples of healthy confidence. We should all "wiggle, jiggle, move, and prove that judgment is a barrier that can be overcome," so give this clip a watch to get inspired for your next workout . . . and don't forget to sweat!