8 Tricks For a Bikini-Ready Belly

Aug 6 2014 - 5:55pm

Are you counting the days before you can rock that new bikini and head to the beach? Fun Summer days rocking your best two-piece suit are not that far off! Try these flat-belly tips and tricks to help you feel even more strong and confident, so you can focus on relaxing with friends and having a blast — rather than searching for your cover-up.

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Choose the Right Produce

There's a reason they say "abs are made in the kitchen"! While a consistent workout routine is essential, eating a clean diet full of fresh foods is just as important. With that said, not all produce helps you debloat. Cruciferous veggies can actually have the opposite effect, but foods like papayas, cucumbers, and pineapples are a must. Check out all the bikini diet foods [2] you should be incorporating into your diet, and bring a flat-belly shopping list to the grocery store.

Drink More Water

Drinking water before meals helps you eat less, burns more calories [3], and keeps belly bloat in check. Always keep your water bottle handy, and fill up whenever you're running low. It might seem counterintuitive to drink more water when you're feeling puffy, but staying hydrated will support your flat-belly goals.

Work It With a Circuit

Just doing sit-ups for hours is a waste of energy and effort. It's important to work more than just your upper abs if you're looking for a flat belly in time for beach season. Move through this no-equipment circuit [4] that you can do just about anywhere that works your upper and lower abs, plus your obliques.

Go Strong at Yoga

If yoga is your workout of choice, it's important to push yourself, take the tougher variations, and make your body work. Try this challenging flat-belly yoga sequence [5] that will shake up your routine and target your abs.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [6]

Fill Up on Fiber

Avoiding foods that lead to bloat [7] is part of the program, but choosing the right foods is just as essential. Support your digestion and beat bloat by eating foods that are high in fiber. Not only will they help make your digestion more regular, they'll keep you satiated for longer, so you won't be tempted to chow down on unhealthy foods.

Don't Skip the Intervals

Consistent cardio sessions engage your core to reveal a tight and toned midsection. For an even more belly-fat-fighting workout session, try an interval workout. Alternating between periods of recovery and pushing your body to the max have been proven to diminish belly fat [8]. Try this challenging interval workout [9] to burn more than 500 calories on the treadmill!

Sip on This

Our flat-belly smoothie [10] has become all the rage for good reason! The Greek yogurt in the recipe provides calcium and protein, both of which can aid in weight loss, and it also contains several ingredients — like blueberries — which have been shown to help diminish belly fat. If that's not enough, you also get the sweetness of pineapple, which contains an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat. You won't be able to taste the kale, which is full of fiber to prevent constipation, as well as calorie-free water to help clean you out. And of course, it doesn't hurt that it's so refreshing, filling, and delicious.

Photo: Jenny Sugar

Make a Little Time Every Day

If you're planning on working out your abs once a week, you're not going to achieve that flat-belly physique you're striving for. There's no need to spend hours and hours slaving away at the gym every single day, but taking at least 10 minutes a day is a reasonable and realistic commitment. Here's an effective and short ab workout from celebrity trainer Ashley Borden [11] that will give you a great stretch and make your midsection feel the burn with just nine moves. Press play, and try it out!

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