Get Happy With This Invigorating Yoga Sequence

Feb 1 2015 - 2:30am

While yoga is definitely known for calming the body and mind, certain poses are so vibrant and stimulating that they can have the opposite effect, offering you more energy than a cup of joe. The next time you're feeling blah, hop on your mat and complete this 12-pose total-body yoga sequence. I recommend warming up with five Sun Salutations [1] beforehand, and feel free to modify poses if they seem too difficult.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [2]


Warrior 3

Warrior 1

Modified Rotated Side Angle


Extended Tabletop

Three-Legged Dog

Knee-Up Plank


Happy Baby


Tipover Tuck

Mountain Pose

Set a strong intention for your practice at the top of your mat.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Standing Forward Bend

Allow all the stress to melt and pour off your back in Standing Forward Bend.

Source: Laughing River Yoga

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward Facing Dog is an active pose that always helps to calm a busy mind. Focus on deep, full-body breaths and releasing any tension in your legs or back.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [17]

Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 Pose sets a strong foundation for the rest of your practice.

Source: Louisa Larson Photography [19]

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