Whether You're a Cute Cat or Sexy Nurse, Here Are 3 Flat-Ab Moves

Oct 18 2017 - 3:45am

With Halloween [1] parties on the way, it's time to get (or keep) those abs in tip-top shape! The next time you hit the gym or go to stretch after a workout, bring these three ab exercises to your usual routine. This combination doesn't take very long, nor does it require equipment (commercial break activity, anyone?), but the combination of the three will tighten and tone your tummy in no time, so you can rock that costume or LBD with confidence.

Russian Twist

Russian twists are a great way to tone your abs, especially your obliques. You can do them without equipment, but for quicker results, try holding a dumbbell or adding a medicine ball at chest height. Watch this video for a few Russian twist variations [2], or follow these steps:

Toe Touches

If you often do traditional crunches, try bumping up the intensity with toe touches. The challenge here is trying not to bend your knees to fully target your upper abs. Follow these easy steps:

Elbow Plank

A traditional elbow plank [4] offers total-body tone and is a great way to target your entire middle. There are many variations to challenge your plank [5], but first master the basic elbow plank following these steps:

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