What to Know About Reducing Cellulite

Jul 27 2015 - 1:05pm

If you've been worrying about a bit of dimpling on your backside, at least you know you're not alone — 80 to 90 percent of women have cellulite [1] somewhere on their bodies. If knowledge is power, here are a few things about cellulite to help you feel empowered about that puckering skin.

It is possible to reduce the appearance of cellulite. A combination of laser, massage, radio frequency, and suction treatments are available, but these remedies are pricey and only temporary. You'll end up needing to fork over the moola for ongoing treatments in order to maintain your skin's new look. Don't waste your money on cellulite lotions either since topical creams can't penetrate the three layers of skin to eliminate the fat. What you can do is decrease overall body fat by doing calorie-burning cardio; try 60 minutes of cardio five times a week [3].

Unfortunately, cardio alone will not decrease the dimples. Flaccid muscle can increase the appearance of cellulite, so strength training is highly recommended. Work the muscles in the areas where the dimpling is occurring two to three times a week. This means doing lunges [4] in all directions as well as butt- and thigh-toning squats — try this 30-Day Squat Challenge [5]. Or work your entire backside with these moves for toning your lower body [6] as well as these inner-thigh toners [7]. And best of all, remember that you're human, so embrace it because a little cellulite shouldn't prevent you from doing the things you love.

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