I'm a Yoga Instructor, and These Are 6 Must-Do Stretches For Tight Hamstrings

Dec 11 2020 - 2:35pm

If you run, bike, lift weights (hello, deadlifts!), or sit at a desk all day, your hamstrings could use some extra love. It not only feels good to stretch this commonly tight area, but hamstring flexibility is also important for the health of your back, hips, and knees. As a yoga instructor with a 500-hour teacher certification, here are six easy and essential stretches that target the backs of your legs. To avoid injury, it's best to do them at the end of a workout, or after a hot shower or bath, when your muscles are warm.

Tipover Tuck Hamstring Stretch

This stretch is good for your hamstrings and also loosens tight shoulders.

Scissor Hamstring Stretch

Easy to do anywhere and safe for injured backs, this hamstring stretch is great if you're really tight.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

If the previous stretch isn't deep enough for you, then try this variation. It's perfect for doing on a bench after a run in the park.

Modified Hurdler Stretch

This basic stretch is perfect for targeting one leg at a time, and is great for those with really tight hamstrings.

Forward Bend With Rounded Back

This stretch targets both hamstrings as well as the lower back.

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

Here's a relaxing way to stretch one hamstring at a time.

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