If the temperatures are dropping near you, you may want to take your running routine back indoors. Don't dread the treadmill! Keep things fresh with these pyramid intervals: instead of running at one steady pace, setting little goals and pushing your limits will help keep you motivated through the whole workout. This 45-minute plan is the perfect cardio workout to help incorporate intervals into your gym routine — a great weight-loss technique to help you reach your healthy goals.

Time Speed (MPH) Incline
00:00-5:00 4.0 1.0
5:00-7:00 5.0 1.0
7:00-9:00 6.5 1.0
9:00-11:00 5.0 1.0
11:00-12:00 7.0 1.0
12:00-14:00 5.0 1.0
14:00-15:00 7.5 1.0
15:00-17:00 4.0 1.0
17: 00-18:00 6.5 1.0
18:00-21:00 5.0 1.0
21:00-22:00 7.0 1.0
22:00-25:00 5.0 1.0
25:00-26:00 8.0 1.0
26:00-29:00 5.5 1.0
29:00-30:00 8.0 1.0
30:00-32:00 5.5 1.0
32:00-33:00 7.5 1.0
33:00-36:00 6.0 1.0
36:00-38:00 5.0 1.0
38:00-40:00 6.0 1.0
40:00-45:00 4.0 2.0

Click here for an image-free printable version of this treadmill interval workout.