30-Minute Workout For the Cutest Butt Ever

Aug 26 2014 - 3:15am

Get ready to feel your thighs and booty burning with this 30-minute lower-body workout. It's broken up into three 10-minute videos that combine mostly bodyweight moves with a few dumbbell exercises to really isolate and tone your glutes, hamstrings, inner thighs, and outer thighs. All you'll need is a mat and a three- or five-pound dumbbell. Your legs and butt won't know what hit them!

Part One: Warm-Up and Legs

Let's get right into the lower-body burn with this workout created by trainer Tracey Mallett [1]. Best of all, you don't need any equipment to work it.

Part Two: Booty and Hamstrings

This tush-toning workout from Hayden Panettiere [2]'s Pilates instructor, Heather Dorak [3], will sculpt and tone your backside. Grab a light weight — three to five pounds — and get ready to feel the burn.

Part Three: Inner Thighs

This 10-minute workout focuses on toning and tightening the inner thighs. But don't you worry; your entire body will be worked, and with no equipment necessary!

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